Best Criminal Lawyers Bankstown
Committed defenders of your rights -
working your best possible outcome

95% success rate
Won several awards for "Best Criminal Law Firm"
Michael Moussa winner of "Best Criminal Lawyer" and "Best Traffic Lawyer"
You will always be represented by a senior defence lawyer
We will go the extra mile

Best Criminal Lawyers Bankstown
Committed defenders of your rights - working your best possible outcome

In The Media

Craig Kelly’s staffer charged with historic sexual assault

Frank Zumbo, the office adviser for NSW MP Craig Kelly, has faced court today after allegedly sexually assaulting three women and one teenage girl while at work over the course of six years.

Mr Zumbo's lawyer, Michael Moussa, addresses the media outside Parramatta court on Saturday:  See the full video at

National Criminal Lawyers® has successfully depended a number of Drug Cultivation, Importation/Exportation, Use, Supply and Possession charges,

National Criminal Lawyers® have successfully defended a number of charges, such as drink driving, dangerous driving, negligent driving, red light camera, speeding; where the prosecution could not establish each of the elements of the offence.

As one of Sydney’s most sought after criminal law firms, National Criminal Lawyers® has a track record of great success in defending a wide variety of criminal offences.

An appeal is commenced by the appellant (convicted or sentenced person) by filing and serving a notice of appeal. Our lawyers at National Criminal Lawyers™ can assist you in this process.

National Criminal Lawyers are Sydney’s most high-profile lawyers. This is because, we give a specialist bail lawyer guarantee, we get the results and we have appeared in some of Australia’s most high-profile cases.

We speak your language, literally. Our Lawyers are fluent in Arabic and English, making conversation a breeze.

National Criminal Lawyers® Bankstown

Why You Need the Top Lawyers in NSW

National Criminal Lawyers is one of Sydney’s most sought after criminal law firms. This is because we get the results, give a senior lawyers’ guarantee and we are the best defenders of your rights. We understand how the law works and how the authorities who enforce the law also work. National Criminal Lawyers (“NCL”) is a law firm founded by Michael Moussa (one of Sydney’s most fierce lawyers).

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